Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ah, vita bella!

A concert by the sensational L'Arpeggiata at St John's, Smith Square. "Boleros, Fandangos and Ciacconas from the Old and New Worlds". A mixture of seventeenth-century Spanish and Italian music with improvisations and work by members of the group. Wonderfully exuberant: every performer a star: the singers Lucilla Galeazzi and Beatrice Mayo-Felip, and all the instrumentalists conveying their wild enthusiasm. It's being broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on 10th June: there are some downloads at L'Arpeggiata's website under downloads (try Galeazzi's Voglio un casa, but all the download tracks are wonderful!)

S'e fatta mezzanotte
ma notte scura scura,
s'e fatta mezzanotte
dorme la luna.
S'e fatta mezzanotte
ed era pieno giorno
di colpo mi si e spenta
la luce intorno.
S'e fatta mezzanotte
ed io non so perche.

Ti piacevano le salsicce
mo non le mangi piu
ti piacevano le ciliegie
mo non le mangi piu
ti piaceva fare l'amore
a tutte quante l'ore
Ah! Vita bella, perche non torni piu?


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