Saturday, July 29, 2006

The birthday of art

Kandinsky painting
Kandinsky at Tate modern. Wonderfully enjoyable. I particularly loved the first room with his early work. But somehow I never feel drawn to the later Kandinsky as I do to, say, Marc or Macke or especially Klee. These are artists with whom I feel I have some sort of personal affinity, whereas I find Kandinsky can be slightly intimidating. Anyway, a wonderful show. The picture illustrated here is gorgeous.

Then on the same floor an exhibition / installation Celebration Park by Pierre Huyghe.
- A room of suggestions solicited from fellow artists for new days to celebrate. For example: January 17, The birthday of art (Robert Filliou); March 12, If there were only one day, it would definitely not be this one (Francois Roche); October 18, I propose that we should celebrate the sense of anticipation (Jeremy Millar).
- An absorbing film of a voyage to the Antarctic, with music based on the structure of the landscape.
- And a huge room in which two outsize white doors pirouette around the space, sometimes closing and sometimes opening up, but ultimately trapping me and forcing me back out of the exhibition into the foyer as they close off the entrance to the room: I see myself reflected in the brass door-handle as I retreat.


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